

Take Action for the Center for Biological Diversity

Take Action for the Center for Biological Diversity

The rapid melting of sea ice due to climate change is forcing the Pacific walrus, a well-known resident of the Arctic seas between Alaska and Siberia, into a land-based existence for which it is not adapted. In 2007, the disappearance of summer sea ice pushed females and calves onto the Russian and Alaskan coasts in abnormally dense herds.Russian biologists reported that 3,000 to 4,000 walruses, mostly young animals, died in 2007 after being crushed to death in stampedes. In September of this year, government researchers reported a large herd of 3,500 walruses on shore near Icy Cape, Alaska, as sea ice disappeared over their foraging grounds in response to a warming climate.Days later, more than 100 of those walruses, all new calves or yearlings, were found trampled to death.

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